"The Mincing Mockingbird Guide to Troubled Birds" is an illustrated pocket field guide that enables anyone to quickly identify psychotic, violent or mentally unstable bird species. It collects some of the finest little humorous vignettes Matt Adrian has written for disturbed birds, and contains a whopping 64 pages, all in eye-popping color!
Reviews of the guide have ranged from "hilarious" and "classic" to "these should be burned along with 'Harry Potter' and 'Lolita,' you bad, bad, bad, bad man." Most libraries will not protest the banning of this book, and several librarians have called it a "nasty bit of business." There's nothing too horrible in these, but all the same there may be a word or two that may be inappropriate for "wee people." Meaning kids. But if you consider yourself one of those "cool" parents, hey, go ahead. Hopefully your kids will pass along their therapy bills to you later on.
Amaze your friends, alienate your loved one(s). Read it in public - it's a great conversation starter that may lead to wonderful long-term relationships or casual, cramped bathroom sex.
7.75" x 6.25"
64 pages
Made in USA
A Guide to Troubled Birds